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Jasmine Blue

Feb 5, 2023
1. Are you 18 or older (age OOC): Yes (20)
2. Time zone: GMT+3
3. Daily time active on the server (XX:XX AM - XX:XX PM): 05:00 PM - 07:00 AM
4. Average online per week (hours): 70-80 Hours.
5. Your Discord ID: rewhim (617706317863190539)
6. Your characters' name (IC): Jasmine Blue
7. Your ingame ID (Main and twink): Main: 257841 Twink: 289924
8. Your In-Game Level: 61
9. Prefered curator of (State or Crime): Crime
10: Languages Spoken: English, Turkish

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

- It's almost been 2 years since I've started playing in this project i spent most of my time playing in this project and i believe i learnt the rules very well. I spent a Year in the State side and i even Became a Leader of Crime side so I've experiences both sides of the city. I believe i am a fair person because of that i can make fair decisions and help the players I achieved nearly everything i wanted to do in the project while playing in the both sides i think its time for me to end my RP life and Become an Admin.

2. What positions have you held in the city? (Crime and State)

- State
FIB: Deputy Head of Department
LSPD: Watch Commander
SAHP: US Marshal
NG: Black Commando
GOV: State Attorney
LifeInvader: Assistant Senior

- Crime
Marabunta: Leader
Vagos: Deputy
Families: Deputy
Bloods: Underdeputy
Ballas: Underdeputy

3. What are your strengths?

- I'm not having difficulties to develop relations.
- I can say i am patient.
- I am having fun while helping people especially who needs help.
- Experience in both sides and know rules very well.

4. What are your greatest weaknesses?

- I can trust people easily.
- I am too confident person.

5. What skills can you bring to the admin team?

- I am responsible for my actions
- I have good time management
- Like i said before i develop relations easily
- It's easy to contact to me
- When i get my experience as Admin i can also help new Admins.

6. Will you be ready to sell your business?

- I don't have any business. So it's all good.

7. Any IRL issue or situation that is Preventing you from being Active at the moment?

- I don't have any IRL issue at the moment.

8. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?

- No but i would like to add;
I am active at the night times mostly.
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