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May 3, 2024


May 1, 2024
Hello dear admins of RS GrandRP Server

To start off and give you a small background check, i've been playing for some small time on this server and I am really having fun meeting new people
and playing events with them, I help grow their family and just support them in what they are doing, I joined this server because some other friends of
mine invited me to go there and try it out to see how it is for me. Just to remind, i've been playing GrandRP for some time, almost 2 years and a half and the level that I have right now
didn't appear out of nowhere, I have a great gamesense and aim just sometimes people doesnt believe me, for example, on this server people were shocked
that I did many kills in events like informals or bizwar, it's just because the difference of level between other GrandRP servers is huge, and by saying
huge is that its that the serbian server has a really lower level than the other european servers I played most of the time. So when I arrived on this server
with other friends, people from opposite family (fighting against me) were really surprised about my level, and people even got to know me ! I'm known in many
servers and showed them my youtube channels on how I just go from servers to other servers, now the main reason I am doing this appeal :

The ban which I got is 4.1 which stands for "Igrači ne smiju imati nikakvu vrstu softvera koji daje bilo kakvu prednost. (Onemogućavanje djelovanja droge, hakova, botova itd.) Ban 60 dana"
I completely understood this rule and I dont trespass it AT ALL. And respect it, so here is the situation :
I got teleported out of an infomal, meaning I was in the middle of playing it, where I dont find that correct ? (Admins from other servers wait till a player
finishes its event then PC Checks him) though here it doesnt seem to apply, anyways I listened to the admins anyways and told me to go in Private Voice Chat
of the GrandRP server to get a PC check, so I go there within the time he told me and told me to turn off nvidia shadow play, everything was done as it was. a
Now he tells me to install anydesk which I did, sends the code and starts proceeding the PC Check, while doing the PC Check nothing suspicious was found,
checked for bigger hitbox mostly (meaning I shot around his body and teleported me to the water to see if I had no animation bug with the bigger hitbox).
So no problem with this part, now he proceeds to PC Check me now, my files, logs, etc... Founds nothing suspicious AT ALL, then checks all of my discord server
and mostly checks for redux channels and see if there are something weird, nothing was found too.
Now the PC check ends after around 30 minutes of checking and tells me that I didnt pass the PC Check because I have illegal water, which lets not forget,
he checked my water when he was doing the Hitbox check part, and didnt say anything at that point. Ok so now he bans me for illegal water cause "we can clearly
see through it". I told him it looks like the Vanilla game water, but says the opposite. Here's my water that he checked, having same redux, settings, etc...

Now to express myself, as you can see the water looks exactly legal, we can't see through it and the visibility is lowered, whereas if we ourself on the words
of our PC Checker he says that we can see more than normal water, even thought its the normal one... Here i dont get something, I understand we ban people for
having illegal redux that gives advantage in FIGHTING/EVENTS, but water ? Seriously ? Do we even fight underwater ? One event where water is important is
the weed events (submarines and fighting police) where a lot of people got banned for that cause they had illegal water, furthermore im not even in a gang !
My water here is fine from above to underwater, the visibility is completely blocked as it should be. I never had a ban for illegal redux, and I just came in
the server and meaning when you come to new servers, you are new to the server rules. Though here no rules were broken, I passed PC Check, no cheats or
anything were found.

I want to play with my friends again and hope this could be reconsidered as I love playing this server, and banning me for something that defintely didnt give
any advantage in any cases... Please reconsider this, the PC Check went really well too !

Thank you for reading this and taking your time, hope to see a great response from you.

Soup Kalogeras


Pozdrav dragi administratori RS GrandRP servera

Da počnem i da vam dam malu proveru prošlosti, igrao sam neko vreme na ovom serveru i zaista se zabavljam upoznajući nove ljude
i igrajući događaje sa njima, pomažem im da rastu porodice i samo ih podržavam u onome što rade, pridružio sam se ovom serveru jer su neki drugi prijatelji
moji su me pozvali da odem tamo i probam da vidim kako mi je. Samo da podsetim, igram GrandRP neko vreme, skoro 2 godine i po i nivo koji trenutno imam
nije se pojavio niotkuda, imam odličan smisao za igre i ciljam samo ponekad mi ljudi ne veruju, na primer, na ovom serveru ljudi su bili šokirani
da sam uradio mnogo ubistava u događajima kao što su neformalni ili bizvar, to je samo zato što je razlika u nivou između drugih GrandRP servera ogromna, i rekavši
ogromno je to što srpski server ima zaista niži nivo od ostalih evropskih servera koje sam igrao većinu vremena. Dakle, kada sam stigao na ovaj server
sa drugim prijateljima, ljudi iz suprotne porodice (koji se bore protiv mene) bili su zaista iznenađeni mojim nivoom, a ljudi su me čak i upoznali! Poznata sam u mnogima
servere i pokazao im svoje jutjub kanale o tome kako jednostavno prelazim sa servera na druge servere, sada je glavni razlog zašto radim ovu žalbu:

Zabrana koju sam dobio je 4.1 što znači "Igrači ne smeju imati nikakvu vrstu softvera koji daje bilo kakvu prednost. (Onemogućavanje delovanja droge, hakova, botova itd.) Ban 60 dana"
Potpuno sam razumeo ovo pravilo i UOPŠTE ga ne kršim. I poštujte to, pa evo situacije:
Teleportovan sam iz informacija, što znači da sam bio usred igranja, gde ne nalazim da je to tačno? (Admini sa drugih servera čekaju do igrača
završi svoj događaj, a onda ga PC proverava) iako ovde izgleda da to ne važi, svejedno sam poslušao administratore i rekao mi da uđem u Privatno glasovno ćaskanje
GrandRP servera da proverim PC, pa sam otišao tamo u roku koji mi je rekao i rekao da isključim nvidia shadov plai, sve je urađeno kako je bilo. a
Sada mi kaže da instaliram bilo koji desk što sam i uradio, šalje kod i počinje da vrši proveru računara, dok radim PC proveru ništa sumnjivo nije pronađeno,
proveravao je uglavnom veći hitboks (što znači da sam pucao oko njegovog tela i teleportovao me u vodu da vidim da li nemam greške u animaciji sa većim hitboksom).
Dakle, nema problema sa ovim delom, sada prelazi na PC. Proverite me sada, moje fajlove, evidencije, itd... UOPŠTE nije našao ništa sumnjivo, a zatim proverava sav moj diskord server i uglavnom proverava reduks kanale i vidi da li ima nešto čudno, takođe ništa nije pronađeno.
Sada se PC provera završava nakon otprilike 30 minuta provere i kaže mi da nisam prošao PC proveru jer imam nelegalnu vodu, što ne dozvoljava da zaboravim,
on je proverio moju vodu kada je radio deo za proveru Hitbok-a, i nije ništa rekao u tom trenutku. Ok, sada me zabranjuje zbog ilegalne vode jer „jasno možemo
vidi kroz to". Rekao sam mu da liči na vodu iz igre Vanilla, ali kaže suprotno. Evo moje vode koju je on proverio, ima isti reduks, podešavanja itd...

E sad da se izrazim, kao što vidite voda izgleda sasvim legalno, ne vidimo kroz nju i vidljivost je smanjena, dok ako mi sami na rečima
našeg PC Checker-a kaže da možemo da vidimo više od normalne vode, čak i ako smo mislili da je normalna... Ovde nešto ne razumem, razumem da zabranjujemo ljude za
imaju ilegalni reduks koji daje prednost u BORBAMA/DOGAĐAJI, ali voda ? Ozbiljno? Da li se uopšte borimo pod vodom? Jedan događaj gde je voda važna je
događaji u travi (podmornice i borbene policije) gde su mnogi ljudi bili zabranjeni zbog toga su imali ilegalnu vodu, štaviše, nisam čak ni u bandi!
Moja voda ovde je u redu od gore do ispod, vidljivost je potpuno blokirana kako i treba. Nikada nisam imao zabranu za ilegalni reduks, i samo sam ušao
server i znači kada dođete na nove servere, vi ste novi u pravilima servera. Iako ovde nikakva pravila nisu prekršena, prošao sam PC proveru, bez varanja ili
bilo šta je pronađeno.

Želim ponovo da se družim sa svojim prijateljima i nadam se da bi ovo moglo da se preispita jer volim da igram ovaj server i da me zabranjujem zbog nečega što mi definitivno nije dalo
bilo kakvu prednost u svakom slučaju... Molim vas, razmislite o ovome, PC provera je takođe prošla veoma dobro!

Hvala vam što ste ovo pročitali i što ste odvojili vreme, nadamo se da ćete videti odličan odgovor.

Soup Kalogeras

Mujo Simba

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
May 8, 2021
Odbijeno, admin je donio ispravnu odluku. Kroz vasu vodu se vidi barem 3-4 puta bolje nego u vanilli
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