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Rejected Personal Biography | Rifat Ahmed | 42826

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Feb 2, 2024
Name: Rifat Ahmed
Gender: Female
Age: 7
Race: Brown
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: India
Sexuality: Her/she
Weight: 61 Kgs
Height: 6'3
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: no
Strengths: Resilience, determination, adaptability, leadership, resourcefulness.
Weaknesses: Trust issues, impulsiveness, emotional baggage, overcommitment, tunnel vision.

Rifat life took a drastic turn when he was orphaned at the tender age of 7, thrust into the unforgiving streets of Los Santos. Desperate for shelter and protection, he found solace in a local gang, where survival became his daily struggle. Despite the dangers lurking around every corner, Rifat navigated the treacherous world of gang life, biding his time and planning his escape.

Fueled by ambition and a relentless drive for success,Rifat ventured into entrepreneurship, carving out his own niche in the bustling city of Los Santos. With each triumph, he shattered stereotypes and defied expectations, proving that resilience knows no bounds. As his influence grew, Rifat became a beacon of hope for those trapped in the cycle of poverty and violence, inspiring others to believe in the power of redemption and second chances.

Today, Rifat stands tall as a respected lawyer for the Government, his journey serving as a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Though the scars of his past may never fully fade, Rifat them as reminders of the resilience that carried him through the darkest of times.

1Rifat - will be able to use his super car to off-road when escaping from criminals or cops(No Non-rp Driving)
2- Rifat be able to keep a bodycam running which starts and ends automatically when he goes to sleep
3-Rifat can keep 2 truth serums with him. Which can inject using /do injects truth serum
4-Rifat can offer to provide information to Illegal organisation and legal organisation about each other for bribes
5-Rifat can offer to become a citizen hostage for 100k maximum and Leo hostage for 100k maximum
6-Rifat can break someone's bodycam (Proper RP)
7-Rifat can torture someone if they fail to provide him with information
8- Rifat smuggle things for his friends in DOC and help them escape.
9- Rifat can try to save his friends by lying to law enforcement as a lawyer
10-Rifat can do RDM, VDM, CR
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