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Rejected For curator of the project anticheat ban code: 1004

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Johny Jonson

Jan 5, 2024
Subject: Request for Unban due to Anti-Cheat Code 1004 - Keyboard Issues in Arena

I am writing to request an unban from the game due to the Anti-Cheat Code 1004 that was issued to me. I believe that this ban was a result of my keyboard experiencing technical difficulties while I was playing in the arena.

I understand the importance of fair play and maintaining the integrity of the game. However, I assure you that the issue with my keyboard was completely unintentional and beyond my control. I have since resolved the problem with my keyboard and can assure you that it will not happen again in the future.

I am a dedicated player of the game and have always strived to play by the rules and uphold the spirit of fair competition. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or disruption that my technical issue may have caused.

I kindly request for the ban to be lifted so that I can continue enjoying the game and contributing positively to the gaming community. I assure you that I will continue to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the game developers.

Thank you for considering my request. I hope for a favorable response and the opportunity to prove my dedication to fair play in the game.

[Johny Jonson]

Tom Jackson

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Sep 3, 2022
dein Antrag ist hiermit abgelehnt.

Schreibe deinen Antrag unter Beachtung der Vorlage nochmals unter Adminbeschwerden. Setze dazu den richtigen Präfix "For curator of the project" P.S ID nicht vergessen!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Tom Jackson​
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