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IMPORTANT Applications for the leader of party

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Melanie Vis

Jun 7, 2021
King Jah and Ruben Saraiva have been approved and added to the list of participants for Governor candidates. Keep an eye on your discords for upcoming announcements!


Jun 19, 2021

Party Members







Internal Government System


Supports Families

Date Party Was Created

Requirements for joining


Aug 12, 2021






We believe in a Government that makes sense.

In order to have a strong Government, we first need a Government with purpose and uniformed structure. Our Government is fundamentally lawless without a Constitution to follow. Our Party will work towards establishing a sound Constitution that gives our State the Stability it needs.

Furthermore, in order to establish a Government that makes sense to those interested in joining it we must completely take down our current structure of governance and rebrand it to a more American-style of Governing and Parliamentary Procedure. The clear structure of our government would proceed as follows: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the Assembly, President pro-tempore, State Senate, State Assembly, and other judicial figures.

There is no current defined example of a 3 branch Government which our State was designed to go off of. San Andreas is an American State that deserves a Government that showcases the best in our State.




Established 8/12/2021

If you want to become a member and join our movement join the Discord: Join the San Andreas Democratic Party Discord Server!

Lane Stevens

May 25, 2021
The San Andreas "For The People" Party

"By The People, For The People"

"One State One Mission"

About the "For The People" Party

We are all about the people in this party as you could probably tell by the name. Our Candidate is Lane Stevens, the current State Attorney, and his Deputy's will be Kira Decali . His spokespersons will be, MRJd Roy, . The Minister of Finance will be Bianca Pellegrini . The Minister of Homeland Security will be Frank Stevens . The entire FTP party are focused on making sure the people of the city are more involved within the inner workings of the Government by allowing the citizens to come to us with any concerns, questions, and ideas they have to make the city a better place for ALL. The FTP is made up of people who are already part of the current administration and we would like to continue our work in the Government to make the city a better, safer, and more enjoyable place for people to come. Most importantly we must do it for the legacy of the fallen Nova Grey.


We believe in allowing the public to be involved in decisions made by the Government. We will work tirelessly to make sure

any ones concerns are answered to the best of our abilities. We can not promise everything that is asked of us be here are 4 of the

things that I can promise will be brought into action if we get picked as the next administration.


|Enhanced Law Enforcement training|

Our goal is to aim for a more organic and proactive experience every time a civilian interacts with law enforcement. With that being said, our party will work tireless injunction with each department to improve the quality of life on specific aspects that makes us great and understanding. More fluid, meaningful and progressive negotiations. Strategical, tactical, and intermediate training to increase the success rate of hostage rescues, store robberies, bank heists and more. We win, the city wins, you win.


For those who are unaware, we currently have no citizen union. Well.. that ends when we are elected. Engineered flawless we will introduce Congress, the Senate and House of Representatives. A quick run down of how that will look is: Congress will be the legislative body that creates national laws for the City (currently being doing flawless by the Whitewinds). It's then divided into two parts: a lower division and a higher division. House of Representatives create laws, and if the majority of Representatives approve them, the law moves up to the Senate for review. The Senate review laws passed by the House of Representatives. If those laws get approved by a majority of Senators, it is sent to the Governor for them to sign off on or veto. This means the city will directly be involved with course of action moving forward by electing leaders/members from an organization, family or outside source to represent their interest. Eliminate hegemony, increase harmony.

|Increased LSPD presence|

With constant growing numbers in the city, we need to revamp and reinforce our departmental presence within the city limits. That being said, state police will tighten the rope on city-wide patrol. To all the criminals who subvert order by drug smuggling, speeding, driving on the wrong side of the road, robbing innocents of their hard earn paycheck or causing ruckus at the casino. All that comes to a screeching halt. We will advocate for increased fining or sentencing, stricter forgiveness grace period and gun licenses probation for repeat offenders.

|Departmental clemency|

We will show our appreciation to our legal workers city wide by decreasing the cost of items such as gun licenses, name changes, and more. No matter if you're a taxi driver and the guy in-front of you is a FIB field instructor. The price will be the same for everyone because we would like to have a constant reminder, that we thank you guys for the service you provide constantly.

Party Members and Sponsors


-Lane Stevens


-Kira Decali


-Jd Roy

Minister of Finance:

- Bianca Pellegrini

-Minister of Homeland Security:

-Frank Stevens
-U.S. Attorney General:

-Mister Whitewind

-Supreme Cort Judge:

-Miss WhiteWind

Current Administration:
-King Jah

-Mister Whitewind

-Miss Whitewind

-Kira Decali

- MRJD Roy

-Bruno Mora

-Maqbul debala

-Deep Jandu

-Feather Holloway

-Jay Higinson

-Micheal Federov

-Karl Dior

-King Jah

-Mike West

-Kayleigh Leblanc

-Enok War

-Lewis West

-Andre Eclipse






Date Party Was Created:


Requirements for joining FTP:

*Clean Criminal record

*Been in the city for at least 8 years

*Have good knowledge of City laws

*Knowledge of City Rules

*Excited About Making the city a better place
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Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Strive for Greatness

Party Leader:
* Bobby Margiela

What do you stand for? I stand for what is right. While this is an easy answer, it encompasses so many areas that I believe will help better this city. This includes honesty, liberty, and the citizen's pursuit of happiness. I stand for the people, with the people, Together we can change the city for the better.

What makes your party unique? My party is unique because we hold true to our values. These values include: transparency, accountability, ethics, professionalism, and leadership. For transparency we will ensure citizens the availability of information which is deemed public. For accountability we understand that our professional activities are being funded by the citizens of this city. We are visionaries. The city and organization cannot flourish without proper leadership.

What’s the biggest issue in the server and how do you plan on changing it? I believe that the biggest issue in this server is overall accountability and professionalism. I often see suggestions such as "this server needs better driving laws, etc." as a governor I will call on all citizens to practice what they preach. If you are not an actively wanted criminal, RP with cops for speeding tickets, etc. Proper RP is fun for all parties when properly executed and when the server is fun, more people play. At the end of the day this is a game, so I believe that we need to keep things fresh and fun on a daily basis. We will help with finances from the government to ensure that LEOs are properly trained and rewarded for their good behavior

How can you improve Rp on the server? We will help with finances from the government to ensure that LEOs are properly trained and rewarded for their good behavior. This ties into my other answer, but just as in real life, it all starts with the government. If the Governor and government is not providing funding and training to local organizations, nothing will thrive. When the legal RP side is strong and good, the criminal side will also be strong. It ebbs and flows, they feed off of each other. As a Governor, I will meet with the leaders of organizations on a weekly basis so that we can keep constant communication open on ways to improve.

This job requires patience and hard work, do you promise to uphold yourself to the standards of the state and follow the laws? I 100% commit to this job and the future of the government. I believe that with a strong high command, and strong organization overall, this can be enjoyable and not feel like pressure or a chore. I promise to uphold myself and my organization to the highest standards.

* Fight Corruption in all legal Organization.
* Enhance Law Enforcement training.
* More Fun Global Events.
* Fund Organizations for improvements.
* Help With Guiding New People.
* Listen to Every one and More interactions with the people of Los Santos.
* Make the city a better place.
* Decrease the Cost of Gun license.
* Promote Free Speech.

Party Members and Friends:
Leader of the Party:
- Bobby Margiela

- Cuh Reaper
- Johnny Black

First Lady:
- Victoria Margiela

- Ivy Vice
- Black Opium

Deputy Head:
- Papa Jah

- Tommaso Margiela
- Tobz Reaper

- Anestasia Reaper
- Ash Reaper

USSS Agents:
- Rony Reaper
- Scheeno Barbados

- itachi God
- Fernando Loya
- Heinrich Versace
- Alex Zero
- Pablo Ali
- King Narek
- Maison Margiela
- Richard Shepard
- Ali Lyve
- Peter Versace
- Sunny Black
- Papdi Chat
- Levi Rain
- Karo Blackfull
- Jay Yip
- Jeff Margiela
- Philly Margiela

- Melvin Lacoste
- Andre Versace
- Daniel Salvatore
- Mia Salvatore

*The Old GOV Agents are more than Welcome to Join at anytime*





Requirements for joining SFG:

*Clean Criminal record

*Been in the city for at least 8 years

*Have good knowledge of City laws

*Knowledge of City Rules

*Excited About Making the city a better place

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Shamzy Zeebo

Jul 24, 2021
The Labor Party
Security For The Future, And Work For Everyone

About the "The Labor Party"​

Labor's vision is a fair world without poverty and in peace, where people are free, equal

and influence their lives. All people are unique, irreplaceable and just as much worth. Each of us should have the opportunity to live a good life, in small and large communities. We want a society based on freedom, solidarity and equal opportunities for everyone.


Our ideology, or basic vision or social view if you want, social democracy.
We build our policy on the basic values of freedom, equality and solidarity.


- Safe jobs and a salary it is possible to live, is crucial for the individual's freedom and for the community. We live on each other's work in San Andreas. The right to work and the right to provide is fundamental. Work to everyone is therefore our main priority. It is unemployment that costs, both for society and the individual. For the Labor Party, no task is more important than getting the whole people in work.

- The society should be safe and provide opportunities. For everyone, regardless of gender, complexion, faith,
functional ability and sexual orientation. We will never accept discrimination, hets and threats to individuals or groups.

- The oil and gas industry has been and is important for the development of San Andreas. Talent workers have created an industry that is very Competetive. The Labor Party will help develop the oil and gas industry further.

- Mental health is as important as physical health. We must step up the prevention of mental health problems and ensure that it becomes easier to get help when such ailments occur.

- Clarify the responsibilities of the ambulance service and fire and the rescue service, and compensate families of which the rescue service did not come in time.


- Voting In Smaller Cases
- No Corruption/Tax Fraud
- Improve Law Enforcement Training
- Faster Rescue Service
- Work For Everyone
- No Discrimination




- NG

- F.I.B

Party Members​


- Shamzy Zeebo


- Joezif Zeebo

Minister of Finance:

- Ronn Atkin

Heads of bureau:

- Charles West

- Jax West

- Jamie Higginson

- Haley Parker

- Deep Jandu


- Jayden West

- Martin Wade

- Ricky Davis

- Ganesh Gaitonde

- Alan Saint

State Legal Aid:

- Zane Rees

Committee Members:

- Ambrose Perera

- Txher Blue

- Prince Junior

- Mazz Dinero

- Lucas Mark

- Jack Write

- Jonnas Blue

- Esco Lavish

- Devill Rahull

Requirments for joining TLB​

- Clean Criminal record
- Been in the city for at least 8 years
- Have good knowledge of City laws Knowledge of City Rules
- Excited About Making the city a better place

Date Party Was Created:

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Aug 16, 2021
The San Andreas Liberty Party
Big Economy, And Even Bigger Hamburgers

Introduction and information about The San Andreas Liberty Party.

We are The San Andreas Liberty Party, and we believe in the people of San Andreas. You are the driving force of this state, and therefore it should belong to you! We will fight for your rights, we will fight for your opportunity to make the San Andreas dream true. Ideologically speaking, we consider ourselves as Classical Liberals and economically as Libertarians. Our candidate for governorship is Daniel Afrooz, and his Secretary of State and spokesperson is Tony Lasagna.

Core Concerns
• Fair and dynamic economy, higher wages, and lower prices.

• Enforcing and improving the traffic laws.
• In favour of more types of jobs.
• Self-defence laws in robbery situations.
• Decrease the cost for a gun licence.
• Reorganizing the National Guard.
• More Family activities.
• Improving the juridical system.
• Promoting Free Speech.
• Legalising Cannabis.
• Advocating for more hospitals and new EMS vehicles.
• Removing unemployment benefits entirely.

San Andreas needs a healthy economy, people are complaining about wages and prices, and fairly so. The dollar is inflated, in this current system, your wages cannot compete with the cost. We will make sure the economic system changes for good, in the foreseeable future you will see higher wages and far reasonable prices for such items as your next car or clothes. On the other hand, many workers are already crippled by selling valueless services, such as selling medical aid for a meagre 100$. This has to be the worst trade deal in all of history. Due to the nature of supply and demand, certain services like medical treatment and services must have a higher value. Lastly, Los Santos has a growing gang presence with the recent immigration to Los Santos, to counter this, we are in favour of creating new types of jobs either public or private, some suggest working at the casino or as a legal bounty hunter for example. Another contribution to counter gang activity will be to completely remove the unemployment benefits, in order to get more people to work, this policy will have to be removed.

Where could one begin? Most likely, when you arrived to Los Santos, you must have seen a horrific traffic incident or been through one yourself a couple of times. Our party will make sure the traffic laws are reformed and enforced. We will need more traffic police with better training and the required tools for speed limiting. There will also be increased fines for breaking severe traffic rules such as reckless driving which has caused immense injury, or driving in an intoxicated condition. Los Santos is also filled with cars parked everywhere, especially in the middle of the road, as a solution, we would approve of impounding cars irresponsibly parked, consider it as another job opportunity as well. We also want the speed-limit in Los Santos to stay at 110km/h, while increasing it to 150km/h outside of Los Santos and on the highways.

Your Right To Bear Arms
We believe in your right to bear arms to defend yourself. Your right to bear arms has also been infringed by the current laws, we would like to lower the price for a gun license. Lastly, due to the increase in crime and that the police cannot always help, we would like to introduce a law for self-defence in case of being robbed. Of course, we prioritize your safety and liberty, so we do not necessarily advocate for resisting robbers at all times, sometimes its best to listen to their demands for your own safety.

Reforming The National Guard
The state of the National Guard is not up to standards, especially considering the constant raids on the military bases across San Andreas. We advocate for better organizing of the National Guard. They need better training as in drills and a standard uniformity and we suggest starting a wargame program (simulating realistic combat situations).

Better Communication in the Juridical system
There has been complaints about arbitrary rulings such as sudden banishments and exclusions out of organizations or judicial injustices in cases. We want to improve the communication between the two parts in these cases.

Free Speech
We advocate for implementing a law to protect free speech. Free speech means the free and public expression of opinions without censorship, interference and restraint by the government. This does not mean that we approve of hate, we simply want each individual to be protected from censorship in for example expressing humour or an opinion.

More Hospitals And New EMS Ambulances
Our hospitals are overfilled, and the EMS' ambulances are causing more harm than good. We get constant feedback from workers at the hospital that their vehicles are far from safe to use. Due to having terrible brakes and bad weight proportions, the drivers tend to hit citizens, cause damage to vehicles or in worst case scenarios causing deaths. Therefore we would like to open another hospital. Preferably outside of Los Santos and add new and improved ambulances for the EMS to use.
Current Members

  • Daniel Afrooz
Secretary of State and Spokesperson:
  • Tony Lasagna
Digital Director:
  • Mathias Larsen
Secretary Of Treasury
  • Vinny Vacinti
Secretary of Defence
  • Zenny Canah
  • Deanie Daniel
  • Kadir Karic

Date Party Was Created:


If you want to become a member of The San Andreas Liberty Party, please provide the following:
  • Show legal and valid identification.
  • Make sure to have a clean record, with no warnings.
  • Be serious about the party, and it's core concerns.

We need people that are passionate and serious about our cause. Let any currently existing members of the party know, that you would like to join!
If so, message: Al goku#7062 on Discord.
Thank you for supporting our efforts in creating a big economy, and even bigger hamburgers!
I wouch for The San Andreas Liberty Party's Daniel Afrooz to be the next Governor. I like their Ideology

Matt Dechannsky

Jul 17, 2021
For the better future, For the State party

We are For the state party, leaded by Matt Dechansky, ex Director of Secret Service and buisniessman. Deputies of FTSP are Kira DeCali and Bobby Fingers. FTSP is all about making big changes in the city that will improve quality of life of citizens of San Andreas and making it a safe and quality living environment. Changes that we will make won't be minor, they will be big and radical. We want to ensure that every single citizen, no matter on his nationality, is safe and social secrued. We will extinct crime out of city and make economy better.

We belive that every citizen should be treated equally, no matter on their nationality, age or profesion. Every citizen should have the right to freedom of speech. We belive that prices of taxes and licenses should be decreased.

Number of things that need to be changed is big, but we can ensure that we will try to fullfil as much promisses. Those are main one:

1. Increased number of police units on the street
We have all witnessed a large number of traffic accidents across the State, that will be changed once we are elected. We will deploy police units over roads of Los Santos, those units will punish every person that caused accident by reckless and selfish driving.

2. Decreased gun license price
Price of gun license is currently really high, people that just imigrated in the city canno't afford it, and by that they canno't get legally weapon for self defense and their safety is endangered. We will decrease price of gun license so every citizen can afford it.

3. Extremination of corruption in legal organizations
Fact is that every legal organization has corrupted workers. Those people are big threat to national security, and we will make sure they loose their badge by help of internal affair investigators.

4. Open carry for all citizens
We want all of our citizens to be safe, we will let them carry a weapon for self-defense. Rate of criminal is raising, police canno't always help and citizens are left to themselves to save their property and life.

5. Free speech
Free speech means that every citizens have right to express their opinions without censuring, and that is exactly what we want, we do not want individuals hating on the Goverment, but we want their constructive criticism without being censured.

Current members:

Matt Dechansky
Deputies: KiraDeCali, Bobby Fingers
Director of Secret Service: Maratha Vorobiov, Karl Dior
Chief of Staff: Baracus Pellegrini
DSD Minister: Mai Glizzy
DOC Director: Kristjan Haze
General: Darius Edge

Fluffy Fingers

Bianca Pellegrini
Mister Whitewind
Mrs Whitewind

Current administration:
Hal Dante
Paul William
Chilly Sanchez
Brian Fedrov
Jackson Haze
Trey West
Ayden West
Wolfy Vujacic
Haley Parker
Roko Barba
Andrej Barba
Tyler Smoke
Tom Zoom
Mikel Zoom
Miyagi Zoom
Eyal Golan
Omer Zoom
Yanir Zoom
Yuhi Zoom
Sid Buggati
Romy Jason
Jimmy Dahmer
Hritvik Pagani

For the better future, For the State party

Date of creation: 4/11/2021

Requirments of joining party:

Clean Criminal record
Been in the city for at least 8 years
Have good knowledge of City laws
Knowledge of City Rules
Excited About Making the city a better place.
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Andreo Vladimiro

Nov 4, 2021
1) The full information about the party and the candidates.
2) The program of the party (Ideology, Purpose, Objectives / Pre-election promises) Note * at least 4 campaign promises;
3) List of party members. Note: it is possible to add any ideas from yourself. (For example: Sponsors)
4) Party slogan and picture
5) The date of the creation
6) Criteria to become the member of the party.
help enforce pure capitalism help with inflation and the economy, get more balance between player groups, and give ideas to the devs to
improve the game for everyone!

IDEOLOGY.) make sure the economy is pure capitalism and a free/competitive/fun!

OBJECTIVES.) The economy in Grand RP needs to be as pure capitalism as possible, a free-market/laissez-faire economic system will be both the easiest to regulate and most gameplay for fun.<<<seek hypixelskyblock for details and proof>>>making sure inflation is lowered by increasing the scarcity of the money so no"easy money from the void" and making certain things large"void"prices that are useful. and DEFINITELY get rid of the minimum state value(that being said i understand the server profits with money, suggest not giving players money for irl money and instead of giving them untradeable items for real money example: you buy a nice new car and its worth 40mil in game or 20$ irl) example:)adding the ability card system from rdr2 online and each ability is extremely expensive and the money goes straight into the void. another important thing to add for economic reasoning is cross server economy(i understand for performance issues you want to split it up but the economy should never suffer and be slowed down, we need more competition and speed with the trades in game. something to decrease inflation= the events should cost like 5k to get in and if you win you get 25k. another idea is blood money that you get from illegal businesses that you need to launder or can be spent on the dark net. Tax evasion should be a bigger game mechanic too and have overall harsher prison sentences all around if we are running low on cops. make the criminals work harder to not get caught and they should have all of their blood money seized on sentencing and pay LARGE amounts of fines for their real money, all depending on the crime ofc. lastly off topic are all the clothing items from gta online in the game? because they absolutely need to be, and if so they aren't being sold at store i checked, and if there is a list of every craftable item lmk. i have plenty of more economic ideas to help keep the economy free and capitalist/fun/competitive DM me for more! id love to help my fav server!!

Jay Higginson

Jun 21, 2021
1) The full information about the party and the candidates.
2) The program of the party (Ideology, Purpose, Objectives / Pre-election promises) Note * at least 4 campaign promises;
3) List of party members. Note: it is possible to add any ideas from yourself. (For example: Sponsors)
4) Party slogan and picture
5) The date of the creation
6) Criteria to become the member of the party.

Los Santos Freedom Party:

The Los Santos Freedom party was founded by Jay Higginson and his wife Marie Higginson Jay a citizen who flew to the city from Scotland know alot about how the British Freedom party works and decided it was time for a change here in Los Santos.
after seeing organizations fall and crumble apart due to corruption and gang activity we came to decide that we wont stand to see this happen any longer so this is our time to make a change and free our great city from Crime and Corruption.
our Candidates are all ex GOV who i have worked with and come to trust personally and i do believe that together moving forward as a strong team we can indeed make our city change for the better.

My Promises:

# Promise number 1 will be to fight against the corruption in the legal orgs especially GOV and to do this there will be weekly random inspections on all organizations to ensure that no one is carrying any illegal items or storing them in there vehicles.

#Your rights to bare arms, i promise to make it much easier to obtain a gun license by lowering the base cost of one to a measly $20,000 and the discounted price for state orgs will remain at $10,000.

#I also promise to improve the state of DOC and Secret Service aswell as the relationships between all of the orgs as i have built a strong bond with alot of people in this City and all of its Organizations. i hope to make a few changes to Secret Service like giving them the ability to collaborate with FIB and go on patrols or take part in under cover Busts. and for DOC i hope to try think of something more that they can do like for example when police officers arrest someone they keep them in the holding cells and send a department call to doc to come pick up the prisoner on the prison bus.( these are just a few of my ideas i have)

#I also promise to be there for the people at all times not just when i am on duty i vowe to be there whenever someone needs me if i am in the city i will be there for you always no matter what it is.

#I also Promise to improve and enforce Women's rights in this city starting with having females be searched by females per there request.

#I also Promise to give everyone an equal non biased chance in my government as it is something i have seen in the past and can not stand i look for the hard workers in my government and they will be rewarded based on how they work not who they know.

Party Candidates:

Jay Higginson
*Deputy Governors- Melvin Lacoste and Marie Higginson
*Minister of Homeland Security-Mac BabyBlu and Jax West
*Homeland Agent- Nakoa Higginson, James Gunem, Seth Taco
*Director of Secret Service-Ayden West and Leon Silverman
*DSD Director-Mai Glizzy
*DOC Director-Dwighty West and Kitty
*Aid De Camp-
Webby West, ItzFrolickz, Baracus Pelegrini, Rein Cash, Kyra Loki
*Head of Department (SS) : Gabi Tosca and Charles West
*Attorney General: Saul Bejeebies
*Chief of Staff: Harry Higginson and Cash Yip, Mia Lacoste, Patricia West
*Department of Social Development: Andrew Paw,
* Director of Secretary: Azazel Euron and Muha Alemdar.





Date: 05/11/2021

To join you must have 5 years in the city and a clean record.
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Mac Blu

Sep 25, 2021

Light Party

Welcome to the Light Party, a wholistic, proactive, educational new political paradigm party dedicated to "Health, Peace and Freedom for All". Founded by Mac Blu and Goro Takemura to fight the Darkness of Corruption swallowing our city, the party is dedicated to building a brighter future for all of Los Santos City. Our party members are experienced in different aspect of government and are working together to realize the dream of a Brighter Future for our Beloved City.


We aim to build a united force to drive our city towards a brighter and prosperous future.


o Government Transparency – Introduction of new Act for this
o Bringing in Legal orgs into the law building process of the Government
o Equal opportunity for all – Men and women get represented equally in all legal orgs
o Open courts and transparent trials – no more email courts
o Accountable to the people – open and regular Q/A sessions between the Governor and citizens. Open Conferences
o Implement a senate and a congress

List of Party members

Governor – Mac Blu
Deputy Governor – Feather West, Melvin Lacoste
Chief Whip – Goro Takemura
Minister of Justice –Charlie Pickins
Minister of Homeland – Charles Holloway
Minister of Defence – Leon Silverman
Minister of Security - Anthony Richards
Minister of Finance – Azazel Euron
Minister of Social Development - MiaGlizzy

Members of party

Khabib Time
Kyle Hustling
Lucky Blu
Bean Tosser
Rik Lyve
Moe Hallak
Dream Stormy
Rain Cash
Omar Aly
Carlos Mount
Burghs Cash
Isaac Bosak

Slogan: A Time For Greatness, Welcome the ERA of Greatness


2. FIB
3. NG
5. DeepBlu
6. EMS


Requirement to join the Light Party

- Clean background
- over 6 Years in the city
- Knowledge of server rules
- Knowledge of city legislation

Established: 01/12/2021
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Tony Love

Oct 8, 2021

Light Party

Welcome to the Light Party, a wholistic, proactive, educational new political paradigm party dedicated to "Health, Peace and Freedom for All". Founded by Mac Blu and Goro Takemura to fight the Darkness of Corruption swallowing our city, the party is dedicated to building a brighter future for all of Los Santos City. Our party members are experienced in different aspect of government and are working together to realize the dream of a Brighter Future for our Beloved City.


We aim to build a united force to drive our city towards a brighter and prosperous future.


o Government Transparency – Introduction of new Act for this
o Bringing in Legal orgs into the law building process of the Government
o Equal opportunity for all – Men and women get represented equally in all legal orgs
o Open courts and transparent trials – no more email courts
o Accountable to the people – open and regular Q/A sessions between the Governor and citizens. Open Conferences
o Implement a senate and a congress

List of Party members

Governor – Mac Blu
Deputy Governor – Feather West, Melvin Lacoste
Chief Whip – Goro Takemura
Minister of Justice –Bianca Pelegrini
Minister of Homeland – Charles Holloway
Minister of Defence – Leon Silverman
Minister of Security - Anthony Richards
Minister of Finance – Azazel Euron
Minister of Social Development - Mia Lacoste

Members of party

Khabib Time
Kyle Hustling
Lucky Blu
Bean Tosser
Rik Lyve
Moe Hallak
Dream Stormy
Rain Cash
Omar Aly
Carlos Mount

Slogan: A Time For Greatness, Welcome the ERA of Greatness


2. FIB
3. NG
5. DeepBlu
6. EMS


Requirement to join the Light Party

- Clean background
- over 6 Years in the city
- Knowledge of server rules
- Knowledge of city legislation

Established: 01/12/2021
The best party ever


Professional debater, shot twice in the ghetto
Sep 17, 2021
The Good Act Party
Together for a brighter future, less corruption, and more opportunities.
Your voice is not an echo

About the "The Good Act" party.

reated on the 22th of November 2021, by Ex-Supreme Court of Justice, Tommaso Spagnoli, Lawyers, and Ex-Head Of Departments.

The Good Act party believes in equal rights and privileges, believes that every citizen deserves an equal chance regardless of their race, color, ethnicity, or sexual preference.


Focusing on providing a healthy work environment, better

opportunities that everyone deserves, freedom of speech to make sure that your voice is heard, each of us should have the opportunity to live a good life, to dream big, to break the limits of pursuing whatever they want to and fulfill their dreams.


The vision of “The Good Act” party relies on providing opportunities based on equality, providing freedom of speech, freedom of heart with no strings attached, improvising solidarity by uniting people with shared goals in order to achieve the greatest standards in terms of mutual thoughts.


- Healthier work environments, by providing a safe, mentally supportive working environment, The Good Act party believes it’s a necessity to maintain the mental health of the citizens by applying strict anti-bullying rules in official workplaces, maintaining the ethics code and making sure people are enjoying their work, in addition to applying additional chances to earn extra salary by implementing the over-time system that doesn’t exceed the mentally safe working hours, on top of that, extra bonuses and rewards to the hard workers, when you’re down, we got your back.

- Focusing on Oil and Gas industries of the city of Los Santos, as they’ve always and will always be an important part of the financial economy of the city, The Good Act party will always make sure to keep up with the financial exports of the city, maintaining the the heart of the economy, applying a strict over watch on the financial part of the city by all means.

- Making sure that hospitals always have a spot to every citizen equally, The Good Act will work hard to provide extra beds for every hospital in the city as well as adding an extra layer of security for hospitals to make sure everyone is safe, while applying reward systems to encourage faster help for the injured ones in an emergency situation, The Good Act believes that every second counts, and it also believes that all lives matter.

- Clarifying and briefing the responsibilities of the Legal Organizations in order to achieve solidity in-between them to provide a more secure city to ensure the maximum safety for all the citizens

-Controlling and applying extra cautions regarding the dangerous areas of the city, adding more active Emergency Services patrols as well as police.


- Strict anti-corruption regulations.
- Strict anti-fraud regulations.
- Encouraging women rights
- Improving the environment of work.
- Cheaper health insurance
- Re-calculated salaries to meet the standards of the modern day.
- No discrimination between any of the people.
- Strict Anti-bullying laws.
- Balancing the laws.
- Re-calculation of taxes for business owners to ease and increase the amount of investments in the city.
- Applying self-defense laws.
- Regulations of illegal firearms.
- Improving the financial situation of the city.
- Transparency.
- Glamorize public solidarity and equality
- Accomodating homeless citizens


- Los Santos Police Department

- Emergency Medical Services

- National Guard

- Federal Investigation Bureau

Party members

Tommaso Spagnoli

Deputy Governor:
Hov Cartier
Ink Lovell

Chief Whip: Adam Dsouza

Minister of Justice: Ellen Bubbles

Minister of Homeland security: Tiny Sykes

Minister of Defense: Simon Brown

Minister of Security: Elrussi Umid

Minister of Finance: Elon Tusk

Minister of Social Development: Emily Copyak

State Legal Aid: Joel Belmont

Lorenna DeBonanza

Kasper Brown

Skye Emily

Savannah Copyak

Committee members:
Burgz Cash

Anto DeBonanza

Horacio Valentino

Shera Griffith

Avi Jones

Eternal Bestia

Requirements to join “The Good Act” party

- Clean
Criminal record
- Atleast 10 years of city experience
- Superior knowledge of city laws, rules.
- Dedication to the party promises

Party was created on 22 November 2021.
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Amara Somatra

Aug 12, 2021
1) The full information about the party and the candidates.
2) The program of the party (Ideology, Purpose, Objectives / Pre-election promises) Note * at least 4 campaign promises;
3) List of party members. Note: it is possible to add any ideas from yourself. (For example: Sponsors)
4) Party slogan and picture
5) The date of the creation
6) Criteria to become a member of the party.


The Visionary Party

Creating the best tomorrow, starts with making a better today.
Est. 11/30/2021

Party Information:
The Visionary Party was created to be a community based party inspired by the ideas of Community Politics and Progressivism. We believe that making improvements in the community through new programs, events, and a transparent government provides a better environment for our citizens to thrive in the city. “The best leaders strive to get others behind a vision rather than authority. “ By creating these open opportunities for our citizens, we create better communication and a chance for the people’s voices to be heard. Being in a high position in a legal organization does not make someone better than those that farm the fields outside the city. We want to truly be a party of the people by giving every voice, big or small, a chance to use the mic. We want everyone to have the opportunity to get the most out of the city.

"Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be apart of."

Pre-Election Promises:
~ TVP’s main focus is on the community of Los Santos and its people. The first promise is to create a healthy and cohesive atmosphere between the legal orgs of the city. By getting rid of the toxicity and corruption in the legal orgs through revising regulations and setting new standards, we believe a difference can be made.

~In an attempt to create a better community within the legal orgs, TVP would also like to push for more global events between legal orgs, as well as between legal and illegal orgs.

~We would also like to host more frequent events for the citizens through our Department of Social Development. Musical events, shows, games, and contests will be held more frequently creating buzz and excitement throughout the community.

~TVP would like to push for more representation for our local artists and skilled entertainers. We would like to add more opportunities such as concerts and local venues for our musically inclined citizens as well as offering to work more closely with LifeInvader in order to set up such events.

~ TVP cares about giving the legal orgs in the city the chance to have the best and most capable employees possible. To ensure this, TVP would like to create a shadowing program within each of the legal organizations. Citizens who are interested in the job but want to know more would have the opportunity to see what the organizations do and what it takes to work in these organizations. The government would work closely with the other organizations to set up these shadowings to ensure the safety of the citizens, organization members, and prevent any potentially dangerous situations.

~ Finally, TVP prides itself on communication and taking the time to listen to the wants and needs of the community. In order to best serve the people of Los Santos, there will be weekly townhall meetings for citizens to voice their opinions, concerns, and issues about the government or local authorities. This truly gives the chance of every citizen having their voice heard in our community.

Party Members and Positions:
Candidate: Amara Somatra
Feather Holloway - Deputy Gov
Leon Silverman - HOD of SS
Mai Glizzy - HOD of DSD
Jay Higginson - USS Director
Carlos Mount - SS Director
Alexander West - DOC Director
Paul Murtagh- Aid De Camp
Frosttty West - Aid De Camp
Webby West - Aid De Camp
Harrisonn West - USS FPPD
Che Murtagh - USS FPPD
Steph Chapo - SS
Sherv Chapo - SS
Lincoln Krown - SS
Steve West - State Attorney
Marco Respect - Undecided
Dizzle West - Undecided
Tino Rusty - Undecided
Charles Holloway - Undecided
Paco Nassa - Undecided

West Mafia

Party requirements:
-Must be 10 years old in city.
-Must have a clean criminal background.
-Must have prior legal organization experience and/or are well versed in city laws/regulations.
-Must have a passion for making a better community.

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