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Rejected Captains | Unofficial Organization

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Captain Luffy

Sep 18, 2023
Family Information
Family Name: Captain's
Family House Number: 58
Leaders in game Name and ID: Captain Luffy | 3925
Leaders Forum Account: Captain Luffy
Leaders Discord Tag and ID: rahul1266
Family Story
The saga of Captain Luffy, Captain Simba and Captain Daku's rise to power in the heart of Los Santos was not one paved with gold but with blood, sweat, and tears. Their journey from orphaned brothers to the most powerful figures in the city's underworld was a testament to their resilience, cunning, and unbreakable bond.

The struggle began with the loss of their parents, victims of a ruthless attack orchestrated by the Black Lotus, the most feared crime syndicate in Los Santos. Left to fend for themselves in a world of corruption and violence, Luffy and Daku found themselves thrust into a merciless game where only the strong survived.

With nothing but each other to rely on, the brothers turned to the streets, using their wits and instincts to navigate the treacherous landscape of the city's underworld. They scraped by on the fringes of society, taking odd jobs and running petty scams to make ends meet.

But their thirst for vengeance burned bright, a fire that fueled their every move. Determined to bring down the organization responsible for their parents' death, they began to lay the groundwork for their own rise to power.

Through sheer force of will and cunning strategy, the brothers slowly but steadily climbed the ranks of the criminal underworld, forming alliances and forging allegiances with other disenfranchised individuals who shared their desire for justice.

Captain Luffy, with his natural charisma and fearless demeanor, became the face of their operation, rallying others to their cause with impassioned speeches and daring feats of bravery. Meanwhile, Captain Daku, the silent strategist, pulled the strings from behind the scenes, orchestrating their moves with meticulous precision.

Together, they built a formidable network of allies and informants, gathering intelligence on their enemies and striking with surgical precision when the time was right. They exploited the weaknesses of their adversaries, turning their own greed and ambition against them to further their own agenda.

As their influence grew, so too did their notoriety. The brothers became legends in the underworld, their names whispered in fear and awe by those who dared to cross them. They amassed wealth and power beyond their wildest dreams, carving out a kingdom of their own amidst the chaos of Los Santos.

But with power came enemies, and the Captains found themselves embroiled in a deadly game of cat and mouse with rival gangs, corrupt officials, and even members of their own organization who coveted their throne.

Yet through it all, they remained steadfast in their resolve, facing every challenge head-on with unwavering determination and a fierce loyalty to each other. And as they stood atop the crumbling ruins of their enemies, they knew that their journey was far from over, for in the world of crime and betrayal, there were always new battles to be fought and new empires to conquer

Family Ranks
10. Leader-
Founder of the family, The one man army!
9. Co-Leader- Co-founder of the family, Responsible for sorting out the issues between family members and handling the family in absence of the leader.
8. Deputy- A trusted, loyal, and long-time member who is responsible for taking care of financial things within the family.
7. Under Deputy- A trusted member who is responsible for managing business of the family.
6. Manager- A loyal member who is responsible for managing events and stuff.
5. Turfer- An active member who takes part in all the events and illegal activities within the family.
4. Senior- An experienced member who actively participates in all the family activities.
3. Junior- A member who is learning about the family and gaining experience with taking parts in various family activities.
2. Member- A newly joined member who has to show commitment and loyalty for the family.
1. Suspended- A member who is making continuous mistakes and breaking rules, soon to be fired from the family.

Family Goals
  1. To be in the top 10 families in the city.
  2. To be a respectful and well known family in the city.
  3. To earn huge amount of money.
  4. To keep our family members happy all the time.
  5. To own a good amount of assets for our family.

Family Principles
  1. Protecting the family: To protect our family members at any situation.
  2. No Betrayal: Betrayal will not be tolerated at any cost.
  3. Chain of Command: Respect the chain of command and accept their decisions.
  4. Helping the Allies: Respect and comply with our ally families.
  5. Helping the needy: Always help people in need.
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