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Search results

  1. Yona Accardian

    Rejected Admin Application | Yona Flawless

    Information 1. Are you 18 or older (age OOC): 20. 2. Time zone: GMT+5 3. Daily time active on the server: 8:00 PM to 11:00 AM. 4. Average online per week (hours): From 20 to 40 hours. 5. Your Discord ID: yoonathan 6. Your characters' name (IC): Yona Flawless 7. Your ingame ID (Main and twink): -...
  2. Yona Accardian

    Rejected Wrong ban decision I Beni Valentine

    I don't get when everyone is getting as a punishment - Mute, I get DEMORGAN+BAN for OOC insults. But I didn't insult anyone OOC. Everything was in the CLUB CHAT and we all were talking about IN GAME stuff. So I think it is unfair to punish me with a ban, I want you to explain to me FULLY why AM...
  3. Yona Accardian

    Approved Blacklist appeal for Mazhor

    Hello Dear Respected Mazhor I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you today to express my sincere apologies for the way I behaved in the past. Looking back, I can see that my actions may have caused is unproffesional and not acceptable.. I am banned since 10th of April, I have...
  4. Yona Accardian

    Approved Leader of Bloods / Yona Accardian

    Information 1. Egor 2. Your age: 18 3. Time zone: GMT +4 4. Average online per day: 4-9 hours. 5. Your Discord: Yonathan#6292 6. Your Nickname: Yona Accardian 7. Your ID: 851 Additional information 1. Leader of The Bloods 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List...
  5. Yona Accardian

    Approved DM| ID 33349

    I was staying afk in the middle of the city, then the guy comes and just starting to shoot me write throw the window. He didnt even ask to leave the car + there were not enough people to steal the car. I want to get my money back and punish this guy. Also I put down a screenshot where he texts...
  6. Yona Accardian

    Reviewed Demorgan for VDMing / Zema Vis

    We were fighting in the ghetto and in the middle if fight Zemma Vis teleports to us and starting to cry that everybody is VDMing each other, but nobody cared about it (1st clip). For everyone it was okay, and the final thing that she sent me to demorgan for VDM, but I was trying to avoid him and...
  7. Yona Accardian

    Reviewed Cheat | ID 1410

    Killed himself before the robbery. You can check logs if he was finished by anybody else but I don't think so. Please check again! For attention of Mazhor/Lebron/Alex Odd only.
  8. Yona Accardian

    Rejected Cheat | ID 1410

    Killed himself before the robbery. You can check logs if he was finished by anybody else but I don't think so. Please check again!
  9. Yona Accardian

    Rejected Cheat | ID 1410

    Killed himself before the robbery. You can check logs if he was finished by anybody else but I don't think so.
  10. Yona Accardian

    Rejected 1.6 General ghetto rules

    3 Marabunta members were killed on their HQ withour RP reason. 1. 2. 3.
  11. Yona Accardian

    Approved DM | ID 18362

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