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Blake Damion

Aug 17, 2022
  1. Your name IRL : Usman Bukhari
  2. Your age : 24
  3. Time zone : GMT+5
  4. Average online per day: 6 to 8 hours
  5. Your Discord : Damion5066
  6. Your Nickname : Blake Damion
  7. Your ID : 190017

Additional information

Leader of The Ballas Gang

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

2.1 Early Struggles and Unfair Treatment: When I first came to the city, I had a tough time. I got hit by a car, but thankfully, an EMS worker helped me. This inspired me to join EMS, and I worked hard until I became a doctor. But one day, after a long shift, the police pulled me over for no reason. They accused me of speeding, which I knew I wasn't. I argued with them, but they arrested me anyway. Because of this, I lost my job and ended up spending a year in jail, where I saw lots of innocent people suffering because of corrupt cops.

2.2 Introduction to Gang Life and Tough Choices: In jail, I met Ayden Jack, a former gang leader. He told me my criminal record would make it hard for me to find a job. Feeling lost and angry at the unfairness of it all, I hesitated to join his gang, the Ballas. But Ayden explained how corrupt the police were and why we needed to fight back. Despite knowing it was wrong, I decided to join the gang to seek revenge against the corrupt system.

2.3 Climbing the Gang Ranks and Learning Leadership: After joining the Ballas, I learned how to handle guns and became a trusted member. I worked my way up to become the Deputy Chief. Leading the gang in tough situations taught me a lot. I used my experience from other gangs to help us succeed. I believe my journey and skills make me a good leader for our gang. ye check

Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

Role play builds on a person's knowledge and experience by compelling them to think through how they will behave in a given situation.
It enables the learner to experience the situation, or create a situation, to prepare for a future interaction .Role-play is a great tool for management studies, as it allows students to practice real-world techniques in a safe and controlled environment.
It also gives them the opportunity to experience different situations from multiple perspectives, which can help them become better managers in the future.

Ranking System


High Commands
10.Under Deputy
9.Event Leader
6.OG Balla


Thanks for reading my application
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